Thursday, March 6, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Party

St. Patrick's Day is coming, that means that Spring cannot be too far behind! You don't have to be Irish to celebrate with a St. Patrick's Day Party!
Have a green tablecloth? If not, use a white one and add greenery and maybe some shamrock confetti. You can purchase green sequin hats, St. Paddy bolwer hats and green beads for your guests to add to their "wearing of the green." For traditional fare serve an appetizer of smoked salmon with a dill sauce and then onto to the traditional corned beef and cabbage, colcannon (new potatoes mixed with boiled white cabbage) or serve them separately. Try adding green food coloring to regular mashed potatoes for something non-traditional, but fun! If you are looking for something different, you could offer Lamb chops, Baked Cod, Irish Stew, or Shepherd's Pie. Complete the dinner with Irish Soda Bread. Beverages include "green" beer, or Guinness. Also try some Black and Tan (Irish stout & lager beer) or Black Velvet (Guinness & champagne.) Top it off with Irish cream pie, green apple slices, kiwi, shamrock shaped cookies or cupcakes with green icing. Scatter some bowls of pistachios and green M & M's around. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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