Sunday, May 11, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Barbeques

In two weeks we will celebrate the official beginning of summer - Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial Day originated as a way to honor the American soldiers who lost their lives fighting the Civil War by decorating their graves. The holiday is now celebrated on the last Monday of May with parades and memorial services. This marks the kick-off to the summer barbeque/party season. Many Americans celebrate Memorial Day by firing up a grill and having a cookout. So send out the invitations, stock up on red, white and blue plates and napkins, drape the banners, blow up the balloons, hang the flag and welcome your family and friends!
One of the hallmarks of a good party is to treat your family like company and your company like family. I wish you all a very happy summer season of parties and celebrations with your family and friends!!

Planning a party in a senior community

Many senior citizens would like to give a party who are living in senior living residences. My cousin is living in a senior community here in the Hudson Valley and planning a family reunion this summer. She has written her list, sent invitations, and has hired a local restaurant/caterer to provide the meal. The affair will be held in the community room of the residence where she has requested the date in advance. There are several facilities that have community rooms that make it easy to host a party this way.
If you are hosting a large family reunion where you haven't seen the members in a while, having name tags for everyone may make it easier for everybody to connect or re-connect. Another idea is to ask each person attending to bring a favorite recipe and have someone compile a family recipe book afterwards. A volunteer to organize a family directory with names, addresses, e-mail addresses and important dates to remember may be helpful. Prizes could be awareded for the youngest attendee, the oldest, and for the one who traveled the farthest. A group photo would be a welcome addition to the day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

A year of parties...

It's been a fun year of blogging about parties! Please let me know if there are any particular type of parties that you would like to read about as I will be finishing up with The Party Lady blog at the end of this week.