Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt Party

An Easter Egg Hunt Party for your family and friends can be simple and fun. Purchase helium balloons in pastel colors for decorations. Keep it simple, you can use colored hard-boiled eggs or the plastic eggs filled with prizes. So there are no tears with the little ones who can't find the eggs as fast as the older children, color code the eggs in your hunt. For those under 4, they could hunt for the yellow and blue eggs, 4 - 6 can be on the hunt for green and orange eggs, etc. Put jelly beans or pennies or nickles in the eggs (quarters or folded dollar bills for the older children.) Have several "grand prizes" such as chocolate bunnies, or stuffed ones. The older children can go on to have an "egg and spoon race." Use hard-boiled eggs and spoons, make it a relay with teams. For a more elaborate gathering, have an Easter Brunch after the egg hunt. Happy Easter!

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