Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Former Bridesmaids" Party

With the new movie coming out about all the bridesmaid dresses in one closet, why not throw a party and show off some of those creations? How many of us still have a bridesmaid dress (or two or three....) in our closet that we haven't parted with? (guilty!) Some may have been recycled. I know of one such dress that was a lovely light purple (actually it was periwinkle, the color that looks good on everyone!) that was recycled for a Halloween costume of Miss Piggy! (The former bride was not in attendance.) We were all told that we would wear them why not all at once - with a party? This could be a great alternative to a Superbowl party!?! You don't have to actually wear them to the Superbowl gathering (although, why not?)

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